杭州永瑞羽絨設備制造有限公司是集科(kē)研、設計(jì)、制造羽絨加工(gōng)設備為(wèi)一體(tǐ)的(de)專業(yè)廠(chǎng)家(jiā)。 本公司座落于美(měi)麗(lì)的(de)西(xī)子(zǐ)湖(hú)畔,位于世界羽毛之都(dōu)蕭山新塘,距離杭州蕭山國(guó)際機(jī)場(chǎng)8公裏,陸、海(hǎi)、空交通(tōng)十分便捷。 自(zì)2000年(nián)創建公司以來(lái),經過幾年(nián)艱辛創業(yè),現(xiàn)占地(dì)面積11000平方米,廠(chǎng)房(fáng)面積8000餘平方米。年(nián)産羽絨水(shuǐ)洗聯合線20條,各種多廂分毛機(jī)30台及各種配套設備,并可以生(shēng)産先進的(de)羽毛檢測設備。是國(guó)內(nèi)一家(jiā)大型綜合性的(de)羽絨設備生(shēng)産廠(chǎng)家(jiā),并參與了國(guó)內(nèi)幾家(jiā)著名羽絨生(shēng)産大企業(yè)的(de)設備制造與改造。産品暢銷全國(guó)各地(dì)。 杭州永瑞羽絨設備制造有限公司在羽絨加工(gōng)設備制造這(zhè)一特殊領域有(yǒu)着豐富的(de)經驗,精湛的(de)技(jì)術和(hé)良好(hǎo)的(de)信譽。我們的(de)宗旨是"用誠換心,用品換信"。良機(jī)願與海(hǎi)內(nèi)外(wài)夥伴攜手合作(zuò),共創燦爛輝煌的(de)明(míng)天。 Hangzhou opportunity down Equipment Co., Ltd. is a collection of scientific research, design, manufacturing feather processing equipment as one of the professional manufacturers. The company is located in the beautiful West Lake, located in the capital of the world feathers Xiaoshan Xintang, 8 km from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, land, sea and air transportation is very convenient. Since created the company in 2000, after several years hard business, and now covers an area of 11,000 square meters, plant area of 8,000 square meters. An annual output of joint feathers washing line 20, a variety of multi-compartment hair machine 30 and various ancillary equipment, and can produce advanced feathers detection equipment. It is down a large-scale comprehensive equipment manufacturers, and participated in several domestic famous feather production equipment manufacturing enterprises and transformation. Products are sold throughout the country. Hangzhou opportunity down Equipment Co., Ltd. has a wealth of experience in this particular field of feather processing equipment manufacturing, superb technology and a good reputation. Our aim is to "change with sincere heart, supplies for letter. The opportunity is willing to cooperate with domestic and overseas partners to create a brilliant future. |